Konstantin Zvyagin_EN

Konstantin Zvyagin was born in the city of Novgorod in 1990 and has already built an impressive resume. He is a prizewinner and laureate of Russian and international competitions and his musical gifts have been rewarded by several scholarships and grants in both Russia and Germany.

A busy calendar of engagements as pianist and member of the trio Spiegelbild has resulted in numerous solo and chamber music concerts in Ireland, Poland, Germany, the United States, France, Italy, Spain, Israel, and Russia. Each year, he gives many solo recitals across Germany as part of the concert series “Weltklassik am Klavier”. As soloist, he has appeared with the Ural Philharmonic Orchestra and the Novgorod Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra (both in Russia), the Torun Symphony Orchestra (Poland), and the ­Röttgen Chamber Orchestra (Germany). He has also taken part in various important festivals and masterclasses such as the Tel-Hai International Piano Master Classes in Israel, the Klavier-Festival Ruhr in Germany, and the Paderewski Piano Academy in Poland.

In recent years, Konstantin Zvyagin has become especially absorbed by the music of Richard Wagner. During this time, he has transcribed eight sections or pictures drawn from “Der Ring des Nibelungen”, assembling them into a suite recorded on this CD. For this work he was recognized by the Richard ­Wagner Grant Foundation, and because of his musical achievement was selected by the jury of the Foundation to play at a ceremony for long-term members of the Bayreuth Festival in Wagner’s villa Wahnfried. The directors of the Festival bestowed upon him a special certificate, and the musical score has been published by APOLLON Musikoffizin in Bonn.

Konstantin Zvyagin graduated from the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music in Moscow under Tatiana Zelikman (2009 – 2014). Following this he obtained a Master’s degree at the “Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln” under Nina Tichman (2014 – 2017). He has been teaching at the “Akademie für Tonkunst in Darmstadt” since January, 2020.

